Student Helpdesk

The APV Student Helpdesk consists of the „Studentisches-Ressort“ in the APV and was established to provide you with a resource where you can seek advice on personal, administrative, and academic questions or issues.

We will listen to you, talk with you, engage in constructive discussions, and de-escalate problems. If you require specialized assistance, we can gladly refer you to the appropriate expert. Importantly, all consultations are entirely confidential, and we will never take any actions without your explicit consent.

How can you reach us?

You can directly contact one of the APV „Studentisches“ board members using this email adderess: studentisches[at] One of the „Studentisches“ board members will get in touch with you to arrange a confidential face-to-face meeting or answer your questions via email.

Below, you’ll find additional information and resources.

Weitere Anlaufstellen der ETH Zürich:

    ETH-Rat Schlichtungskommission
  • Gleichstellungsgesetz, Arbeitsverhältnisse im ETH Bereich

Externe Anlaufstellen:

  • Anlaufstelle für Studierende der ETH, UZH und weitere Hochschulen im Raum Zürich
  • Vertraulich & anonym
  • Kontakt: +41 44 633 77 77 oder über die Website
    Psychologische Beratungsstelle für Studierende und Doktorierende
  • Kostenlose psychologische Beratung
  • Kontakt:

Wie geht man mit unangemessenem Verhalten an der ETH Zürich um?